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SUPCON Holds “Made in China 2025”

July 7, SUPCON held the seminar of “Made in China 2025” in Hangzhou, and invited Dong Jingcheng, the consultant of China Instruments Manufacturers Association, and an expert in intelligent manufacturing field, to explain “Made in China 2025”. 240 people attended this seminar with Qiu Feng, Executive Officer of SUPCON Technology.

“Made in China 2025” is a ten-year national plan, which is designed to transform China from a low-end manufacturing giant into a world intelligent manufacturing power. It is an important opportunity for China to innovate its manufacture, and also an opportunity for future development of SUPCON.

During the two-hour seminar, as a well-known scientist, Dong Jingcheng explained “Made in China 2025” detailedly via comparison with German “Industry 4.0”.

He pointed out, “Made in China 2025” emerged as Chinese factories still struggle with decreasing demand, increasing competition from international competitors and slower economic growth. In such a situation, the country must come up with a “Made in China 2025” strategy in order to “bring down operating costs and boost efficiency and innovation in the manufacturing sector”.

After seminar, how to utilize superiority of SUPCON’s technology to establish paradigmatic intelligent manufacture in process industry, should be thought about with the strategy of “Made in China 2025” deeply.

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