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Member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee Visits SUPCON CSP Power Plant

June 10, a 20-people-delegation visited SUPCON CSP Power Plant in Qinghai.

The delegation was led by Ma Zhiwei, Member of the 11th Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, Member of the Standing Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang and Chairman of Qinghai Province, Vice-chairman of the Qinghai Committee of CPPCC.

Liu Wenchuang, Deputy General Manager of SUPCON Solar Power (Qinghai) Co., Ltd. extended a warm welcome to the visitors.

Liu made a detailed report of the whole project - its technical indicators and operation conditions on site, to give the visitors a more intuitive understanding of the whole project.

After the visit, Ma highly appreciated the technical achievements of SUPCON CSP Power Plant. He said the project could optimize the energy structure and promote further conversion of resources, which fully meet the Green Industry Construction Planning of China’s ‘13th Five-Year Plan’.

At last, Ma expressed their willingness to give continuous strong support to the promotion of solar power technologies and applications.

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