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SUPCON Supports Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group Million-ton-level Coal-to-olefin Intelligent Plant

Lately, Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group announced that their coal-to-olefin intelligent plant has proved to surpass the target output with the SUPCON APC system applied. This is also the first successful case of million-ton-level coal-to-olefin intelligent complex in China.


In 2016, SUPCON was awarded the project and was to supply the integrated intelligent plant solution including DCS, APC, MES, EMS, AMS, ERP, etc. The project was selected as Intelligent Manufacturing Standardization Pilot Demonstration Project by MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) Equipment Industry Division.


Dec 2016, SUPCON finished the DCS project and received thanks letter from the end user. President Xi Jinping also extended his congratulations as well as his best regards and greetings to all the participants of the project. He said that this project would play a demonstration role for other national strategic coal chemical projects.


As for the APC project, SUPCON has implemented over 600 control loops’ PID parameter optimization for the olefin cracking units, including more than 70 complex loop logic optimization since last September. The plant got significant improvement in operating efficiency, transparent management, manual labor and energy saving. The automation rate of the plant had been lifted to over 98%.


SUPCON has received recognition and appreciation for the significant contribution to the project at different stages, and will keep contributing efforts to the other ongoing projects which are planned to be finished successively before the end of 2018.



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