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SUPCON Participates in NIPSEA Supply Chain Digitalization Conference
July 21 ~ July 22, SUPCON was invited to the NIPSEA Supply Chain Digitalization Conference and gave a speech titled Digitalization of Supply Chain for the Paint Industry.

Digitalization is transforming the supply chain domain in almost every aspect. Nippon, as a leader in paint industry, has started this journey and been highlighting by their transparency of the digital maturity and also by progressive approach towards solid development.

July21~ July 22 NIPSEA held the Supply Chain Digitalization Conference, which aims to address the “How” and “What” of digitalization, and provides a platform for open communication to bring the SEA group and leading digital products/solutions providers together to share their success stories and initiatives, and also available technologies and approaches.

Mr. Teo Kim Hock, International Business Vice President of SUPCON, as one of the speaker, shared insights and available technologies & solutions for digitalization of logistics and production operations for the paint industry, based on the As-Is & To-Be Analysis by Nippon.

Mr.Teo Kim Hock interpreted SUPCON’s digitalization approach, which follows the principle “Think big, Start small and Scale fast”; and introduced the

  • Planning Management System

  • Production Management System

  • Logistics Management System

which will generate significant benefits that include automated workflow and maximize the priority towards safety and efficiency from purchase order to delivery note:

  • smooth comprehensive cross-functional information flow management covering order information, transport information, sales & marketing information

  • provides reporting & statistical tools for effective quality management


At last, Mr. Teo Kim Hock shared prospects in the incorporation of edge-cutting technologies, such as leveraging AI in improving reliability of demand forecast, IOT in enhancing tracking of work-in-progress, big data in analysis of inventory replenishment, etc.

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