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SUPCON Receives Thanks-letter From Xinneng Energy

Dec 8, SUPCON DCS and SIS applied in the 200,000t/a light dydrocarbon unit of Xinneng Energy went into operation successfully. The client sent a thanks-letter highly commending SUPCON products reliable performance and service teams great endeavor.

Following the clean energy concept of its holding company ENN Group, Xinneng Energy, located in Inner Mongolia, initiated the project taking full advantage of the abundant local coal resource to produce methane gas and aromatic hydrocarbon with ENN self-developed catalytic coal gasification technology and coal hydrogasification technology. 

The innovation indicates broad market prospect and social benefit on efficient and clean utilization of coal and air pollution prevention with remarkable advantages. Since late 2016 when SUPCON signed the automation contract with Xinneng Energy, 6 patents and 4 copyrights have been joint applied during the project. The I/O point of DCS and SIS in this project is 30,000 and 3,300 respectively, making a large scale application case and marking a significant step of the technology in coal chemical industry.

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