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Leaders from Ministry of Science and Technology Visits SUPCON

May 5, Mr. Gao Jinpeng, Vice Director of the Torch Center Hi-tech Enterprise Division, Ministry of Science and Technology (MSTO) visited SUPCON to review the science and technology work related to the newly revised Administrative Methods for the Confirmation of High Technology Enterprises.

In the meeting, Mr. Gao listened to a series of reports on the development of Zhejiang high-tech enterprises and the management work of Zhejiang High-tech Enterprises Association (ZHEA).

He commended that, “SUPCON has done a very good job of promoting the development of Zhejiang’s high-tech enterprises. We are glad to see the success of ZHEA transforming from the model of government-led management to enterprise-led management and hope SUPCON could continue to provide service and make contribution.”

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