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See How SUPCON Boost Revitalization of Juhua Group

Since 1958, Juhua Group has been playing irreplaceable role in the chemical industry of the Yangtze River Delta. After listed as the National Demonstration Pilot Enterprise for Recycling Economy Renovation and Informatization & Industrialization Integration Initiative, Juhua Group has applied a wide range of practices in intelligent manufacturing upgrading.


2018, SUPCON was awarded a dozen of APC (Advanced Process Control) projects for its existing manufacturing units, among which the R22 project, TEC distillation project, methanol distillation project and 2/3HFP project have been running for months and proved to be successful. Recently, another two projects were accomplished - ionic membrane caustic soda unit and cyclohexanone unit.


All the production and operation experts unanimously spoke highly of the performance, especially the ionic membrane caustic soda unit, whose production process and system interlock is complicated. The facility operation stable rate is lifted by 77.64%; the 32% soda yield is increased by 178.067t/a; annual resin column regeneration is reduced by 48 times. For the cyclohexanone unit, handing time is cut by 73.4%; alarm reports are reduced by 79.8%; the unit cyclohexanone’s steam consumption is cut by 3.52%.



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