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SUPCON Wins DCS Contracts of MRN Group 20,000 TCD Sugar Plants Revamping Project in India

September 19, SUPCON won the DCS contracts from MRN Group Companies for their 3 newly purchased sugar factories along with 20,000 TCD Sugar Plants revamping project, and providing data centralisation solution for their present 6 sugar factories.

MRN Group of companies have retained SUPCON as the their best solution provider for their newly purchased sugar factories named as Badami Sugars Ltd., Pandavapur Sugar SSK Ltd. and Kedarnath Sugar Ltd. SUPCON has won this contract against stringent competition and well established automation players in India. It is a big achievement for SUPCON as it gives us an special commitment with MRN Groups is one of the key maker of sugar industry. 

MRN group management teams deliver their best and being role model of sugars industry and introducing new ideas and technologies to bring the sugar industry in advanced technology & better shape. MRN Group is the 1st in sugar industry to implement the centralisation of various plant major parameters in centralisation concept in order to improve the efficiency, performance and easy maintenance. 

"SUPCON Indian Operation provides the best products & service support to operate the plant in satisfactory & helps to increase the productivity", said by Mr.Sangamesh Nirani, Executive Director of MRN Groups. This project will be another great reference for SUPCON Indian Operation's capability in sugar based power industry.

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