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Driving Digitalization Innovation and Accelerating Deliverables to Empower Sustainable Success

——SUPCON Participates in ARC Industry Forum Asia 2022
In the post-COVID world, digital transformation has become a must other than a need; and sustainable development is more an imperative than a buzzword.

July 12th ~ July 14th, SUPCON participated in the virtual event ARC Industry Forum Asia 2022, themed with Accelerating Industrial Digital Transformation and Sustainability, and shared viewpoints and practices on digital transformation.

During the 3-day event, around 50 speakers from the leading companies across industries shared insights in 12 sessions about how they had been progressing along their journey on open process automation advances, digital transformation & sustainability initiatives, digital twin, operational excellence, asset management, industrial cybersecurity, AI & ML technology incorporation, etc.

Specially for this year, the sessions feature more global executive speakers and end user participation than ever before. SUPCON invited Mr. Dai Yuanshen, Head of Operations Integration,  from BASF Global Battery Material as the speaker. He gave a speech titled Digital Operations to Unlock the New Battery Materials Plants’ Productivity, sharing the road map of digital operations and counter-measures to the cross-disciplinary and volatile market challenges. During the following panel discussion, Mr. Teo Kim Hock from SUPCON International Business, put further points on SUPCON’s approaches and practices on tackling the challenges in the digitalization projects from the front line.

Parallel to the sessions, in the virtual exhibition hall, SUPCON virtual booth showcased key automation & safety control systems, digital operations solutions, and applications based on the industrial operation system, etc.

In the post-COVID world, digital transformation has become a must other than a need; and sustainable development is more an imperative than a buzzword. More importantly, they will not be accomplished overnight, but take us a journey that we might start small, but should think big. SUPCON will keep driving innovation and accelerating deliverables to help clients smooth the journey, unlock more potentials and empower clients win sustainable success. 

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