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Zhejiang Petrochemical Corporation Automation Project Adopts SUPCON DCS

Last month, SUPCON and ZPC signed the automation supply framework agreement for ZPC 40Mt/a refining-chemical integration project. The preliminary design of DCS for ZPC (Zhejiang Petrochemical Corporation) is near completion. The first batch of products is estimated to be shipped out early December.

The project is China’s largest refining-chemical integration project under construction now, with an estimated investment of 173.1 billion RMB (26.18 billion USD). The first phase will be accomplished at the end of 2018.


In the project, SUPCON will provide 9 sets of SUPCON ECS-700 DCS for the power center, coal gasifier, synthetic ammonia unit, air separation unit, seawater desalination, terminal and tank field, etc. There will be 270 pairs of controllers installed and the total I/Os will be 140,000. Besides, 5 sets of DEH will be adopted to support the power center total solution.





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