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Embracing Dual Circulation & Unleashing a New Development Era - SUPCON at China Petroleum and Chemical International Conference (CPCIC)

October 25-29, 2021, the 11th China Petroleum & Chemical International Conference (CPCIC) themed as "Embracing Dual Circulation & Unleashing a New Development Era", took place in Ningbo, China. This one-week activity probes into the innovation and development of the new future under the background of "dual carbon" green development driving force and sustainable development, analyzes the present situation and the challenge for the petrochemical industry, and help enterprises find opportunities for development and direction.

Professor Chu Jian, Founder of SUPCON and Mr. Cui Shan, Chairman and CEO of SUPCON were invited to share their insights of digital development trend and "dual carbon" challenges as well as opportunities for the industry.

Global Petrochemical Leadership Forum

In the Global Petrochemical Leadership Forum, Professor Chu Jian took "5T Integration Creating New Value of Process Industry" as the theme, and put forward the realization path of promoting the petrochemical industry to move toward high-end and high-quality development.

"The petrochemical industry urgently needs digital transformation to achieve better and healthier development. Through digital transformation, SUPCON integrates Five Technologies including AT(Automation Technology), IT(Information Technology), PT(Process Technology), OT(Operation Technology), ET(Equipment Technology) to achieve the goal of Safe, Green, Efficient, Quality-improving and Cost-cutting.", addressed by Professor Chu Jian.

CEO Roundtable Meeting

Professor Chu Jian was invited to participate in the CEO Roundtable Meeting of the World's Top 100 chemical enterprises, and had a brainstorming session with representatives from SINOPEC, CNOOC, BASF and other leading companies. Focusing on the opportunities and challenges brought by the "Dual Carbon" goal for the petrochemical industry, Professor Chu jian shared with guests his exploration and thinking on the road to low-carbon and sustainable development.

SUPCON Sub-forum - 5T Thriving on Innovative Union

At the SUPCON Sub-forum, under the theme of“5T Thriving on Innovative Union”,SUPCON announced the 5T strategic brand - AI-POET. The 5T strategy is the development direction based on technology fusion proposed by SUPCON. AT and IT together constitute AI, with the meaning of Automation, Information and Artificial Intelligence. PT, OT and ET are technology and product directions that are gradually expanded and explored around the core of AT and IT. At the same time, SUPCON released its 5T strategic series of products and technologies, including low-carbon operation solutions, intelligent control system DCS 4.0, industrial software, overseas integration solutions, etc.

Petrochemical Industry Digital Reform Summit

In the Petrochemical Industry Digital Reform Summit, Dr. YuHaibin, SUPCON Senior Vice President as a keynote speaker, delivered a speech New Perspective on Smart Digital Transformation in Process Industry.

“In the digital transformation, the process industry needs to open up ideas, implement path layout, system optimization, and carry out the integrated design of the whole industry chain and the whole life cycle from the aspects of design, operation and maintenance. SUPCON will continue to help the process industry unlock the next generation of economic growth and create a more valuable future.", said Dr. Yu Haibin.

White Paper - Low-Carbon Solutions for Sustainable Development of Process Industry SUPCON released White Paper Low-Carbon Solutions for Sustainable Development of Process Industry in the conference.

Based on the detailed study and key insight into the low-carbon development trend of process industry, the White Paper elaborates the challenges and strategies for the future development of process industry enterprises, providing strategic reference for industrial transformation and upgrading, and hoping to provide effective reference for process industry enterprises in the critical period of transformation and upgrading.

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