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Tap into Pakistan Energy New Era with SUPCON INPLANT Total Solution - SUPCON Presents at PERS 2020 Exhibition

February 12-13, Pakistan Energy Reform Summit (PERS 2020) - the only and biggest energy summit in Pakistan – took place at the Serena Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan. In Refining and petrochemical Summit, Mr. Muhammad Fahad Javaid, the Deputy GM of SUPCON Pakistan Office, delivered a speech entitled New Paradigm of Digital Transformation for Petrochemical Enterprises.

Taking PERS 2020 as a window, SUPCON introduced the InPlant® Total Solution, and showcased star products: Webfield ECS-700 DCS (Distributed Control System), Webfield TCS-900 SIS (Safety Instrumented System), field instruments and various valves, etc. Streams of visitors were attracted to SUPCON booth for a closer look and further exchange, including the top management and experts from Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL), the leading E&P player in Pakistan, and Bestway Cement Group, the largest cement manufacturer in Pakistan, etc.

PERS 2020, focusing on 3 major topics including Power & Renewable Energy Development, Gas Exploration & LNG, Refining & Petrochemical, aims to accelerate the transforming of power and energy sector, and facilitate international investment in Pakistan. As a leading automation supplier in power, refinery and petrochemical industry, SUPCON sees the giant opportunity and promising growth in Pakistan energy industry automation and digitalization, and feels passionate to transfer related expertise and experience to local partners.

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