April 10, the 2016 Internet of Vehicles (IOV) Application Industry Conference
was successfully held in Hangzhou, China. SUPCON Research Co., Ltd. was one of
the co-organizers with the Internet Society of China (ISC), Zhejiang Provincial
Economic and Inforamiton Commission, and other 4 leading technology companies.
Over 600
government leaders, experts, enterprise and institution representatives from
Alibaba, Baidu, GEELY, etc., attended this grand event.
Themed as “Application and
Industry Development of IOV”, the conference was aimed to construct an ecosystem
and create a win-win situation for IOV industry. Topics of industrial policies,
application and development, communication standards, cloud architecture, and
innovation ecosystems were widely discussed.
During the event, the IOV Working
Committee (a second tier organization of ICS) was officially established to
provide a specific platform for cooperation between information technology and
automobile manufacturing enterprises, and play the role as efficient links
between the government departments, related agencies, IT enterprises and
automobile manufacturers.
As a leading science and
technology research institute that committed to independent innovation, SUPCON
Research was elected Secretariat of the Committee. Meanwhile, Mr. Shi Yiming,
Vice President of SUPCON Group and President of SUPCON Research was elected Vice
Chairman and Secretary General.