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SUPCON Verifies and Optimizes OTS Project of Xinneng Energy Co., Ltd.

Jun 5th, SUPCON has completed SAT (Site Acceptance Test) of the hydrogenation gasification and catalytic gasification OTS (Operator Training System) project Phase I of Xinneng Energy Co., Ltd. The two-month acceptance test included whole process start-up and shutdown test, the verification and optimization of process design and control scheme, etc.

It is the initial case that Xinneng Energy put into application their newly self-developed technology of large-scale entrained-flow bed hydrogenation gasification of dry pulverized coal and fluidized bed catalytic gasification . Therefore the OTS is designed more than a training system, but also a tool to verify and optimize the technical process and control scheme. This additional function has made the project most demanding and challenging. To make it perfect, SUPCON has injected collective efforts of OTS team, coal chemical experts, and DCS engineers.

In addition to OTS, SUPCON has also provided its advanced Webfield ECS-700 DCS system, TCS-900 SIS system for the 600,000t/a methanol and 200,000t/a stabilized light hydrocarbon project.


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