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+86 400-887-6000
Energy Management & Optimization Solution
Empowered by big data and AI technology, energy consumption prediction, energy balance scheduling, energy index modeling, energy efficiency modeling become more and more approachable and reliable. SUPCON Energy Management & Optimization Solution, an energy data integration and optimization platform, can comprehensively improve your energy management capabilities from planning, scheduling, to statistics and optimizaiton.


Unreasonable Planning
  • insufficient consideration of comprehensive factors
  • not closely combined with the production plan


Impractical Scheduling
  • imprecise prediction of consumption
  • unreasonable management targets


Unstable Operation
  • consumption fluctuation caused by manual operation discrepancy
  • Long lead time of improvement actions
  • lagging in problem handling


Incomplete Statistics
  • imperfect energy metering indicators
  • non-integrated energy monitoring and data collection
  • lack of energy consumption visualization tools


  • unclear energy management policies, right/ duty system
  • poor awareness of energy conservation
Unreasonable Planning
  • insufficient consideration of comprehensive factors
  • not closely combined with the production plan
Impractical Scheduling
  • imprecise prediction of consumption
  • unreasonable management targets
Unstable Operation
  • consumption fluctuation caused by manual operation discrepancy
  • Long lead time of improvement actions
  • lagging in problem handling
Incomplete Statistics
  • imperfect energy metering indicators
  • non-integrated energy monitoring and data collection
  • lack of energy consumption visualization tools
  • unclear energy management policies, right/ duty system
  • poor awareness of energy conservation
SUPCON Energy Management & Optimization Solution offers a centralized energy monitoring and management platform based on digital energy consumption modeling and big-data-based optimization applications, to facilitate energy target planning, energy scheduling optimization, energy indicators library building, energy statistical analysis, energy performance assessment, etc. Thus to improve the enterprise energy management capabilities in an all-round manner.
Energy Process Monitoring
Energy Process Monitoring

Monitor energy consumption based on the energy consumption model for different equipment in different industrial processes, such as circulating pumps, compressors, refrigerators, boiler heat, steam turbines, distillation towers, etc.

Clarify energy flow and generate diagram showing the energy data at different levels - plant, unit, subsystem, etc.

Energy Target Management
Energy Target Management

Establish energy consumption database for multiple working load and conditions.

Define energy target as per specific working load and condition, calculate the current energy consumption and align to the energy target, break down energy management index.

Energy scheduling optimization
Energy scheduling optimization

Predict energy consumption trend based on production plan, which can serve as the data support for energy demand, procurement, inventory plan and performance assessment.

Build optimal scheduling model of energy balance, energy production, transmission and distribution online, to maximize the overall energy efficiency.

Energy statistical analysis
Energy statistical analysis

Achieve automatic statistics for energy-related business statements and generate online visualized analysis report for further assessment.

Energy workflow management
Energy workflow management

By actively monitoring the energy performance, aligning back to energy target break-down,  optimize the detailed workflow of the corresponding personnel in charge.

Energy Process Monitoring

Monitor energy consumption based on the energy consumption model for different equipment in different industrial processes, such as circulating pumps, compressors, refrigerators, boiler heat, steam turbines, distillation towers, etc.

Clarify energy flow and generate diagram showing the energy data at different levels - plant, unit, subsystem, etc.

Energy Target Management

Establish energy consumption database for multiple working load and conditions.

Define energy target as per specific working load and condition, calculate the current energy consumption and align to the energy target, break down energy management index.

Energy scheduling optimization

Predict energy consumption trend based on production plan, which can serve as the data support for energy demand, procurement, inventory plan and performance assessment.

Build optimal scheduling model of energy balance, energy production, transmission and distribution online, to maximize the overall energy efficiency.

Energy statistical analysis

Achieve automatic statistics for energy-related business statements and generate online visualized analysis report for further assessment.

Energy workflow management

By actively monitoring the energy performance, aligning back to energy target break-down, optimize the detailed workflow of the corresponding personnel in charge.

immense value
Refining energy planning, scheduling, operation, and statistics to continuously improve
your energy performance.
comprehensive energy
consumption per unit of product
steam, fuel gas,
hydrogen and circulating water
energy efficiency of
single equiment
energy anomaly
detection frequency
anomaly analysis
efficiency analysis time from
3h to 5 min on average
statistics efficiency
statistics time from an average of
4h to 3 minutes on average
implementation rate
of energy-saving policies
and procedures
monitoring of energy
performance parameters
Typical Case
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