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SUPCON Energy Balance and Scheduling 0ptimization Technology

Energy conservation and energy efficiency improvements form the fundamental crux of strengthening energy security, optimising energy supply thereby improving environmental quality.  Member countries have responded to these challenges with the creation of the Top Ten Energy Efficiency Best Practices and Best Available Technologies Task Group (TOP TENs), a platform that identifies, showcases and promotes the best available energy efficiency technologies and practices for select sectors.

SUPCON Energy balance and scheduling optimization technology for industrial enterprises was successfully selected into the Energy Efficiency Best Available Technologies (BATs) of China. It officially announced by National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in accordance with International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC).

The application effect of large petrochemical enterprises shows that the consumption of gas, steam and other public media were reduced by 5-10%, achieving energy saving of about 530,000 tce/a through this technology.

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