Contact Number
+86 400-887-6000
Real-time Database
Data is constantly updated and rapidly changed, and the transactions have time constraints. How to collect and connect the scattered data, integrate the data island and unlock the real value of data? You have to solve very detailed problems around data acquisition, storage, configuration, calculation, reporting, visualization and analysis, etc.
ESP-iSYS real-time database can serve as a bridge between the bottom control network and the upper management information network. provideing a real-time process data base and comprehensive information platform for data integration, analysis that can support the construction of subsequent information systems and further applications, such as advanced process control, alarm management, production management, asset management, energy management, safety management, etc.
High System Reliability and Availability
High System Reliability and Availability
system-wide 1:1 hot redundancy
robust hardware in compliance with European Community EMC Directive II, and special anti-corrosion coating in compliance with ISA71.04 standard G3.
designed with fail-safe mode, self-diagnosis concerning module, channel, and transmitter or transducer, etc.
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